Interview 4:
- How important is gait alignment, in helping a child to walk?
- How does the therapist go about the rehabilitation? Is it one therapist that sticks with a patient, or multiple?
- What effect does it have on the child if they see a different therapist every time?
- How do the children generally respond to the horse?
- How important is it for the kids to have the same horse? How many care?
- What is the habilitation process usually like, for the kids?
- How many patients require multiple therapies, like Speech and Physical therapies together?
- How do the volunteers help, aside from the assigned sidewalking duties?
- Is it important to have the same volunteers for the kids? Do certain children make friends with the sidewalkers?
- How do the toys help the different children?
- How else do the horses themselves help the children, emotionally speaking?
- How do you keep the children engaged? (Aside from things previously mentioned)
- What happens when a child cannot keep on-task?
- What happens when a child reacts badly to the horse?
- What happens when a horse reacts badly to the child?
- How do the parents react when their child has to be removed from a session, early?
- Do some children only attend the riding sessions? How do they fare, compared to children who work in the clinic as well?
- What is the parent’s general opinion of the ranch, and the work done there?
- I’ve seen a patient who had an ABA come in place of a sidewalker. How much does Hippotherapy help him, in relation to his outside therapy?
- What happens when kids don’t continue their therapy at home? Have you seen a case like that?
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